Los Shapers de la Madera - Wooden Meet 2019

EWSM2019 woodenshapers - MedSwells Surfboards

Translations: English Español Catalan

Piscinas de olas, escuelas de surf creciendo como setas y picos saturados... La industria del surf va en camino de un crecimiento y consumismo sin freno.

A finales del pasado mes de agosto se llevó a cabo el tercer European Wooden Surfboard Meet (EWSM2019), en la playa de Berria. Este evento es un encuentro con espíritu no comercial/competitivo dirigido a los constructores y amantes de las tablas de surf de madera. Sus tablas, desde big wave guns a thrusters high performance, funcionan perfectamente, son preciosas y, sobretodo, son muchísimo más sostenibles que cualquier cualquier tabla …

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Wooden Shapers - Wooden Meet 2019

EWSM2019 woodenshapers - MedSwells Surfboards

Translations: English Español Catalan

Wave pools, surf schools working overtime, crowded line ups - the surf industry is on a path of growth and consumerism.

At the end of August, a 3rd annual european wooden surfboard meet took place in Spain (EWSM2019), at playa de Berria. The meet is a strictly non-commercial and non-competitive gathering of wood shapers, professionals and enthusiasts. Their boards, from performance shortboards to big wave guns, surf well, look great and are ecofriendlier than anything else available on the market. It was a weekend of surf, beers and stories. A meeting of sharing passion, knowledge and visions …

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