The Aquatic Ape by Miki Dora, from TSJ 12.1

The Aquatic Ape by Miki Dora, from TSJ 12.1

The Aquatic Ape by Miki Dora appeared in the TSJ 12.1 volume in the CounterPoint section. Find below an excerpt quoted from the article:

Miklos S. Dora, aka Miki Dora, aka Da Cat, aka The Black Knight, challenges surfers to a contest at Jeffrey’s Bay.

The rules:

Entrants place a $200 reliability bond; applicants must construct their own equipment; equipment must be ozone friendly and biodegradable; no petrochemicals allowed; boards cannot exceed 9’6″; the tail must square off at 10″; single fins only; no logos of any kind; no colors; minimum board size is 8′. The winner …

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